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Mimi the Bee 🐝


Mimi the Bee 🐝

We're delighted to reveal the identity of Val de Bonnal's new mascot: a round of applause for the wonderful Mimi the Bee 🐝! As happy as a lark and a lover of nature, she has chosen to make her summer home in the Val de Bonnal. Flying from tree to tree, foraging from flower to flower and dancing from customer to customer, Mimi the Bee is buzzing with happiness. You'll have the pleasure of crossing her path during your stay in Franche-Comté. And if you're lucky, maybe she'll invite you into her beehive to renew acquaintances over a slice of honey and a delicious fruit nectar? Mimi the Bee, the queen bee, can't wait to meet her little camping princes and princesses.

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